Food EquipmentJacketed Cooker
Based in the UK, J&N Food Equipment are highly established Jacketed Cooker suppliers, distributing both Bastra and Tasla ranges. Jacketed cookers are used to cook large quantities of food by steam heat, as around two thirds of the kettle is covered by a metal jacket. They cook food via conduction: filling the sealed gap between the kettle and jacket with steam.
Steam Jacketed Cookers provide efficient and uniform heat transfer, faster cooking times and accurate temperature control, ensuring your product is cooked perfectly each time.
Steam Jacketed Cooker
Both our Tasla and Bastra Steam Jacketed Cooker models are made from high-quality stainless-steel with rounded corners for durable and hygienic results. The models are controlled by simple thermostatic controls and are emptied with a non-drip tap.
With a 150 litre Bastra kettle and a range of Tasla models to choose from, we’re sure that we’ll have the right commercial Jacketed Cooker for your business. Complete the short contact form below and one of our food equipment specialists will be in touch.
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